
  New Vertical Workflow Solutions


KAISHA-Tec announces a new range of simplified vertical workflow solution templates for the retail, CSR, local government and accounting sectors.

All feature:

  • A simple user interface for greater productivity
  • Streamlined workflow
  • A HTML5 reporting dashboard for workflow and KPI analysis.
  • A SaaS option (KAISHA-Tec can provide the hosting)
  • A security shield option from your main corporate computer system
  • 2 way Web Service interoperability to any computer system
  • Completely configurable to feature your company logo and colour scheme


The workflow solutions are ideal for users who do not require the full user interface of ActiveFlow e.g.

  • Remote users from the central site e.g. retail shops, warehousing etc
  • Suppliers who need to gain access to the corporate computer system but with limited functionality and visibility
  • Users who only perform a few simple functions but need to be part of the workflow supply chain. These users do not need to see a full workflow interface menu
  • General Public Internet users who need to interact with corporate computer systems
  • Mobile phone users who need to interact with corporate computer systems


Based on our templates, KAISHA-Tec can provide a total solution tailored to your needs in a very short time and at a very competitive price.
